Ukwenza uNcedo lokuBonelela i-10mm Laser Palvanometer Skena Palner Scan Intloko yoMatshini wokumakisha i-30w
I-Chuke iskena ye-CHECEOMETATATER sisikelo se-Super-Ecupe-Ecuper Scanner. Ukongeza kumaxabiso okhuphiswano, ikwanayo nendlela elungileyo, enomsebenzi obalaseleyo. It has the characteristics of good linearity, small temperature drift, high precision, fast speed, good stability and strong anti-interference ability. It can meet 90% of the requirements of fiber laser applications, is one of the very widely used galvanometer scanners, and enjoys a good reputation and satisfaction among many users. Ngaba i-leser yakho ilungele ukusika isisombululo sokuncama.